Friday 24 February 2017

Rough Cut Feedback

These are the feedback sheets that we got back from the class when we screened our rough cut. The sheets helped us identify problem areas that we had missed out and helped us to correct them. From the feedback that we received there seemed to be 2 general criticisms that we need to improve, these were:
  1. Some of the scenes differed in brightness so the lighting was quite jumpy and kept changing. We went back and improved this by adjusting the brightness, contrast and colour balance to colour grade the film so that the lighting was constant throughout.
  2. The second most common point was that we had placed the title credits in front of people's faces multiple times. This did not look professional and made it annoying to watch the opening sequence because of the credits obscuring the face. We resolved this by moving the credits so that they sat neatly in the corners of the screen while not covering anything of importance.

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