Friday 21 April 2017

Q6. What have your learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What have your learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From constructing this product i have learnt a couple of things about the technologies i have used. Firstly, it is always better to use an external microphone instead of the internal camera microphone as it will greatly improve the audio quality. Also, we should always test out all the functions of the camera before the final moment before filming. I say this because we had a lot of hassle with the Canon XF100 because we had not properly used it before we went to film and had not realised that the camera was not reading the memory card and was not accepting the external microphone that we had or the one that came with the camera. Also I learnt that we should always use the lighting throughout , if we have used it in one scene as some of our scenes were lit differently and because of this we had to go away and correct all of this using Adobe Premiere Pro.

Thursday 20 April 2017

Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From the progression from my preliminary task to my full opening sequence, i have learnt a lot of things about the most efficient ways to go about shooting and editing.
Firstly, organisation is key. We had not properly arranged with all the actors so on the day of shooting most of the actors could not attend and so we had to improvise a new script and make use of the people that we did have. Also, we had not properly tested out the canon XF100 camera and it was not reading the memory card and was not accepting the mic.
I also learnt that it is better to use an external microphone instead of an internal one like we did on our preliminary task, i noted this as the audio quality was not that good so i changed this when filming the opening sequence.
Finally, the cuts on our preliminary task were not very clean so i made sure to take more time editing when it came to the opening sequence.

Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Monday 20 March 2017

This Life Ain't Fair

Finally, after months of hard work, here is our opening sequence titled This Life Ain't Fair.

Friday 3 March 2017

Institutional logo Initial Ideas

For our institutional logo we really liked the idea of animated logos as they are a lot more dynamic and unique. We worked on this and developed an institutional logo based on the ideas written in the the pictures below which show our initial ideas and plan.

Friday 24 February 2017

Rough Cut Feedback

These are the feedback sheets that we got back from the class when we screened our rough cut. The sheets helped us identify problem areas that we had missed out and helped us to correct them. From the feedback that we received there seemed to be 2 general criticisms that we need to improve, these were:
  1. Some of the scenes differed in brightness so the lighting was quite jumpy and kept changing. We went back and improved this by adjusting the brightness, contrast and colour balance to colour grade the film so that the lighting was constant throughout.
  2. The second most common point was that we had placed the title credits in front of people's faces multiple times. This did not look professional and made it annoying to watch the opening sequence because of the credits obscuring the face. We resolved this by moving the credits so that they sat neatly in the corners of the screen while not covering anything of importance.

Sunday 15 January 2017

Shooting Diary Entry

Today was our third day filming and everything managed to go smoothy and according to plan. We recorded in a quiet alley-way at around mid-day so nobody was really out because they were at work. This went very well and we managed to get the shooting done reasonably quickly.

Also, here are some pictures that we took while filming yesterday and the day before.

Saturday 14 January 2017

Shooting Diary Entry

We continued filming today but this time two of the actors could not come because of other engagements. This nearly set us back, but instead we rewrote the script with the roles that we had available and didn't waste time shooting so that we were not behind schedule.

Friday 13 January 2017

Shooting Diary Entry

Today we begun filming our opening sequence but were quite delayed as the actors turned up late and didn't know their lines but we still managed to get a small scene recorded.