Tuesday 29 November 2016

Audience Research

Audience Research

In terms of demographic and socio-economic profiling, our film will be aimed at males in generation Y and Z, they will probably have a 'rough' background as then they will be able to relate to the themes in the movie. They will also be able to relate if they are in social groups D and E. In terms of psychographic profiling our film will be aimed at the strugglers and the succeeders as our film follows the lives of a group who have to struggle to succeed as artists through crime.

We conducted an 8 question survey which asked some people what they liked the most in a film to find out what we should include more of in our opening sequence.
We started off with gender and age to see what kind of age groups would like our film the most.
 Here we can see that most of the people were females aged from 0-19 so we will tailor the film to better suit this audience.
Our film is in the action-drama hybrid gender, so on our survey we showed the participants the posters of 6 films (District9, Inception, The Dark Knight, Fight Club, Pulp Fiction and Shawshank Redemtion)  and asked if they had seen any of them and one thing that they liked about them. We also asked what captivates them when watching a film. These were our results:

We asked the participants about their favourite director to decide which kind of film style and 'signature camera movements' they would like to see and here are the results:

Lastly, as London grime music plays a big part in our film, we wanted to find out how many of our potential viewers actually listened to grime music. Surprisingly the majority of the people we asked listen to grime music so we will continue to incorporate it in our film as much as possible.

Saturday 26 November 2016

The following posts can be found on our group blog:

  • Treatment Plan
  • Characters
  • Location
  • Costume & Props
  • Storyboard
  • Script
  • Production Schedule
  • Risk Assessment

Thursday 17 November 2016

Script & Audience Research Survey

Today we finished the script and posted it to our group blog:

We also put up a link to our audience research survey, do please feel free to fill this out!

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Costume & Prop Research

Today, Oscar, Will and I were working on the costume and prop research for our opening sequence. We tried to put significance to all of the colours worn by the characters. As our film is about a group of gangsters, the primary colour for all of them is black clothing.

Friday 4 November 2016

Treatment Plan

'This Life Ain't Fair' is a non-linear action drama film that follows a music groups rise to success as they try to leave their violent and gang-related past behind an try to pursue a career in music. the opening sequence starts off with the group recording in the studio and they are interrupted by a group of people in balaclavas who knock at the door. A gunshot is heard and then cuts to a scene of the group a year earlier. Through psychographic profiling we have come to the conclusion that our film will be mostly for ''the succeeders'' ''the  aspirers'' and ''the strugglers''. This film is mostly aimed for males aged between 15-22 as the context and language may not be understood by older or younger people.

The opening sequence will start with a title shot and then fade into a shot of the studio, showing a person rapping, a producer and some people chilling on the sofa. The rapper finishes the song and for a moment all is calm with shpts of the friends laughing and exchanging dialogue until they hear a motorbike coming down the road. This is followed by a tracking shot of the motorbike as it comes down the road, approaching the music studio. A long shot then shows a group of people in balaclavas jump off their vehicles and run up to the studio door and start banging on it. The first person to get off the sofa and run to the door gets hit with a gun as he opens it, to which one person says "this ain't fair, what did we do?". One of the masked men replies "This life ain't fair", this is when a gunshot is heard and the scene changes to the group one year earlier after the screen goes black. The group then plan and carry out a robbery while a narrator explains what is happening and why etc.

After the opening sequence we will see that another of their friends gets killed in an attempted robbery. This inspires the group to change their ways and start making music as a sort of release from their violent past. After a lot of hardwork and dedication they exceed in the music industry and manage to leave their past behind, or that's what they think... They find out that one of the masked men is actually one of their 'friends' but before he has a chance to shoot at the group, one of the artists kills him and saves them.

Themes, Mise en Scene and other details
The binary oppositions that we will include are: Past vs future, good vs evil and gang vs gang.
some of the props that we will use are fake guns, baseball bats and other weapons such as hammers.
We will set most of the opening sequence in Oscar's recording studio in Morden, and the road just outside. To accomplish this we will need at least one camera and tripod, and at least two lights.
We hope show the darker side of life in south London while presenting themes of music, crime and gang related violence,