Camera Framing and Movement
- Extreme Close Up

- Big Close Up
- Close Up
A close up shot will show little background and focuses mainly on either a face, or a specific detail of the scene, with the background blurred. When using a close up shot of a subject's face, the director will draw the attention of the audience to the face while showing the shoulders and may often leave a bit of head room at the top of the frame. This type of shot is the most common as it can convey a lot of emotion and help the director to create a real sense of empathy towards the subject. Close Up is often abbreviated to CU.
- Mid Shot
A mid shot, or medium shot, usually shows a character from the waist up, or shows the important areas of an object significant to the scene. This type of shot is usually used when a subject is speaking or delivering information, it is also used a lot to show a character's arm gestures while they speak. A mid shot will usually cut out some of the background, allowing the viewers concentration to be on the body language and dialogue as a reaction shot will often draw the audience in. This type of shot allows the audience to clearly see the objects details, or the characters' expressions and movements, while not allowing them to dominate the scene. The problem with this is that it can often show too much of the background, if the background is too dynamic, this can be a distraction.
- Mid Long Shot
- Long Shot

Long shots are used to show a full character, or a feature object as part of the landscape, this often helps us to establish a connection between the object or person and the surroundings. These shots have the point of focus still as the object or person while showing a lot more of the background. They are often used to show action and movements, rather than emotion.
- Extreme Long Shot
An extreme long shot covers a wide area to set the scene, this is why it is often called an establishing shot. The shot can be used to establish the time, weather and location. This type of shot is often used in disaster filming to show the destruction and provide the audience with an element of thrill.
- Point of View Shot

- Worm's Eye View
- Bird's Eye View
A birds eye view is a shot taken from directly above the scene. This type of shot is often used to establish the landscape and the character or objects relationship to it. A birds eye view can usually make people seem insignificant, ant-like and part of a bigger plan.
- Aerial
- Crane
A crane shot is a shot taken by a camera on a crane or a jib. The crane shot is used to view the actors from above and to move up and away, this is commonly used to end movies by moving away from the characters or scene,
- High Angle
- Low Angle

Camera Movements
- Pan
Panning involves a movement of scanning a scene/landscape from side to side (or vice versa). The camera stays still to the left and right of the subject. It can be used to show how the surroundings affect the subject, or to show whatever the subject is looking at. The camera is mounted on a tripod, which provides a stable axis point for the sweeping motion of the camera to be free.
- Tracking
Tracking, also known as dollying, is where both the camera and tripod are mounted on a moving vehicle, allowing for smooth movements following the action, generally following a character or object. This type of shot is good for moving from a mid shot to close up, gradually focusing the audience on a particular object or character, often used to show a moment of realisation.
- Tilting
This is where the tripod remains stationary and the camera tilts up and down. This movement is similar to panning but with an alteration in direction. It can be used to create a sense of unease in the character, or show surroundings, to create suspense or mystery.
- Pull Focus
The pull focus, also known as rack focus, is a camera technique in which you change focus during a shot, usually a shot of two subjects at different distances from the camera. This creates a shifting of emphasis from one subject to another.
- Whip Pan
A whip pan follows the same rules as a normal pan, in which the camera moves from side to side, however the whip pan involves a quicker movement that may momentarily blur the image. A whip pan often happens abruptly and can imply a rapid unfolding of events.
- Handheld Camera
Handheld cameras are just a normal filming camera with someone holding it, instead of using support from machines such as cranes and dollys. A handheld camera can often draw a viewer in by making the audience feel as if they are in the scene themselves, rather than in a still position.
- Dolly
- Steadicam
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